
God bless the beginnings of new months. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'm all about fresh starts.
February was a complicated one, what with illness and puffiness and that time I yelled at Headspace Andy, but it also had its excellent points, like going to 1D and McBusted, getting tickets to the Backstreet Boys (hollerrrrr) and finding out one of my friends is hecka pregnant and therefore I am soon going to be able to hang out with a baby for free. Swings and roundabouts. Such is life.

I sat down yesterday and wrote myself a little list of #achievable #relatable goals for March - nothing too heavy, just enough to get some positive changes happening - and these are a few of the things I came up with.

1. Make an active effort to leave the house for the sake of leaving the house, not just when there's something happening
2. Stay in a good routine
3. Remember to do obvious things that make me happy, like going to the movies and buying magazines
4. Strike a good balance with social media. Rather all or nothing at the moment.
5. Get 10,000 words of writing done
6. Expand my food horizons
7. Catch up with [insert names of about eight different people]
8. Go to [insert names of about eight different places]
9. Re-read all of Harry Potter
10. Get that selfie game back up

Aside from that, I've been re-evaluating my content schedule like I said I would, and at this point I think it's going to stay pretty much how I outlined it a month ago, but with a few minor changes.

I'm going to keep posting every day on here. I'm really enjoying having that regularity and structure to keep me accountable and make sure that I'm constantly doing something. However, I think I'm going to loosen the structure within the weeks. I'm still going to do the same kinds of posts, but the days may vary. For instance, I'll do a check in post when I feel like it, rather than waiting til a specific day because that just feels more organic. I think I might try and keep the prompted writing on Mondays though (apart from this week), as I'm really enjoying that and I don't want to let it slip.

Second Channel
I've realised I really don't like weekly vlogging. I do enjoy vlogging, when I'm in the mood and when there's actually something going on, but feeling like I'm obligated to document things just makes me feel really stressed out, and I realised I much prefer having time with my friends as something completely separate to everything that I do online.

Main Channel
My main channel I think will stay pretty much the same, but I might experiment with posting my two videos a week on whatever day I feel like it, rather than strictly Monday and Thursday. I don't know, I like posting more frequently but something about the specific structure right now isn't completely working for me. Play it by ear.

Most importantly, now that this has been going on for a full month, I want you guys to tell me if there's anything you particularly like, or that I haven't done yet and you'd want to see, so leave a comment on here or tweet me @madz0rs. 

And that is all for now. I'm off to make some tea and watch the new episode of Once Upon A Time.
Many blessinz x0