Shizzity dang I love me a bit of Lush. Fiona and I are lucky in that our apartment has a bath, which allows us to partake in baller tub timez as frequently as we wish (and can afford), and on my most recent jaunt to ye olde shopping piazza I picked up prolly a lot more potion ingredients than I should have. I've used most of them, but I saved the Christmas ones. Because I care.
Also because I'm really pedantic about doing things properly and in the right order so I wasn't about to use Christmas Eve on any night other than Christmas Eve jah feel.
Innywhoozle, here are my #ChristmasPicks from #Lush for the #FestiveSeason. Happy #Madvent. As well as the situations in which I feel they will be most appropriate.
Look at these little baes god bless I am sorry that I am going to inevitably mastermind your deaths xx
Melting Snowman Bath Melt
The Rundown
This badboy has a bunch of hella nourishing ingredients like cocoa butter and almond oil, so I feel like it would be really moisturising and comforting, but it also smells a bit like cinnamon for that spicey zing to make ya bath time just that little bit more exciting. I'm very into the spicy scents for the Christmas season (and summer and spring and Easter and every other time of the year) and I also feel a bit ripped off when all you get is a bunch of bubbles and no tangible benefits from a bath product so I am v much looking forward to murdering this tiny, helpless snowman in the name of my own epidermal softness.
The Situation
I would envision myself participating in this fellow's downfall on an evening following a very long day, and before I have at least one full day off. It doesn't feel like a "let's get reinvigorated for the new day ahead" kind of bath melt, more like "let's watch Miranda reruns and soak our way into a blissful coma for 12 to 14 hours with the added bonus of very soft skin."
The Christmas Penguin Bubble Bar
The Rundown
Being a bubble bar, this little rascal will meet his death far more brutally than old m8 snowman. Like in the demo video on the lush website they just pop his head right off. He shall be crumbled under the running water, releasing what is thus far a pretty soapy smell if I'm hella real with ya. I am led to believe that his actual scent is that of various citrus fruits, which is right up my street, so here's hoping that pans out as desired and does not give me a headache.
The Situation
This one is much more of a pick-me-up than the last one, what with its citrusy zest and necessitated mutilation of a beloved semi-aquatic animal. I can imagine myself using this after a long day and before another one. Gotta get dem bubbles goin' to lift the spirits, and the citrusy zing would cooperate nicely with my desire to mentally and physically cleanse myself of the previous day and emerge, fresh and renewed for a new dawn.
Golden Wonder Bath Bomb
The Rundown
This is one glittery mofo. As soon as you touch it your entire life is going to be golden and shimmery, and as wonderful as that sounds it is not so fabbo in practice. It apparently smells like champagne when you put it in the bath, so I shan't be using this when I have a hangover, and it also has an orangey-citrusy scent like the penguin going on. The lady in the shop chuckled to herself and told me there was a surprise in the middle of this when I bought it so I am apprehensive.
The Situation
I was initially actually thinking of this for a day when I was hungover but then I read the champagne thing and was, for a brief moment in time, baffled. And then it hit me. This is for a day when I have accomplished something. I will have a very productive day and get everything I need to done and instead of getting a gold star I am going to get a massive gold chuck of fragrant sodium bicarbonate. Oh yes. A marker of achievement this shall be.
Christmas Eve
The Rundown
This batch must have been jacked up because I had one of these in August (at fake Christmas) and it was really nice calming deep blue and yellow and actually looked like crescent moon so somebody done fucked up the production line. However, it smells the same so I'm assuming they haven't accidentally overloaded on the citric acid and my skin isn't going to burn off upon contact with the water. This has a bunch of aromatherapy thangz in it like ylang ylang and jasmine, which should in theory calm you down and get you hecka prepared for sleepytown, so I would recommend it in a Last Thing Before Bed bath, as opposed to a Wind Down Before Further Activities one. It also contains Irish moss which apparently makes the water "silky", which I'm down for, plus I really liked Ireland and found its greenness infinitely calming so it can't bloody hurt can it.
The Situation
You are kidding yourself if you think I'm using this on any night other than December 24th.
Cinders Bath Bomb
The Rundown
Popping candy. There is popping candy in the bath bomb so it sounds like a fire. That is freaking genius. It just seems very comforting and also exciting because I'm always down for a gimmick, and has a nice smattering of cinnamon on top of the citric scent these all seem to have, just to warm things up. Ha ha. Because fire. Ideekz guys, it just seems like it would be really comforting and that you should also probs have some candles and maybe a Disney movie playing.
The Situation
I am going to use this when I am sad.
Northern Lights
The Rundown
This one is hella exciting on account of the Lush stores near us NEVER FREAKING HAVE IT, but one day Fiona went in and they'd finally got an order in and there were only ten and she was like alright thanks I am having two of those so now we each have one and it's all very thrilling I assure you. Innyway. This guy has the jasmine and ylang ylang all up in it just like Christmas Eve, so it's a good one if you're trying to wind down, but it's also really fucking exciting on account of vibrant colours and fizzing and such so perhaps not for a night when you're 100% exhausted and ready to drop. Gotta fully appreci8 dem theatrics.
The Situation
I will prolly use this on a night when there isn't really pressure on me to sleep, so not immediately preceding a 7am start, and when I thoroughly need to wash my hair. Hear me out on this one. There is a certain level of like "I should wash this I guess" that warrants a regular shamps-n-condish but nothing beyond that. I need to be at the NOURISHMENT REQUIRED stage on this occasion, so that I can chuck in a hair mask, fang on a face mask and feel like I'm really getting shit done while I soak up the beauty that is this kaleidoscopic wonder of the bathtime world. For winding down, but in a way where you're gonna read a book afterward and maybe do some crafts.
Today's #Madvent Movie: Arthur Christmas